In today’s conditions, an important factor in reforming the education sector, in particular the implementation of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, is the quality of educational management. The training of highly qualified managers of educational organizations, leaders of pedagogical teams is both an important priority in the modernization of higher education and a scientific problem that has an applied nature and requires a comprehensive approach to solving, especially in the context of decentralization reform. The purpose of the article is to analyze the scientific discourse and state educational policy on improving the training of future managers of educational organizations, in particular on financial management and budgeting. In the context of reforming the national education system, society’s requirements for the professional qualities of the head of an educational institution has changed. The professional competence of the manager determines the effectiveness of his actions not only in educational activities, but also in management, financial and economic, administrative, and innovation and more domains. Therefore, a modern education manager must have deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills, have creative thinking, their own personal positions, be professionally competent. The degree-based higher pedagogical education creates a methodological foundation for the integration of interdisciplinary educational components of management into the content of a teacher training at the first (Bachelor’s) level of higher education. Taking into account socio-economic transformations, challenges caused by military realities, European integration prospects of our country led to the modernization of educational and professional training program for future Bachelors of primary education at Lutsk Pedagogical College by integrating educational components into the educational process. Among such educational components as «Pedagogical technologies of educational management» and «Psychology of educational management», the educational component «Fundamentals of financial management and budgeting at educational organizations» was introduced.
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