The article is devoted the problem of health of students of secondary schools during the study of certain educational topics in the subject of «Geography» by the activation of physical movements in time of teaching of the main material of the lesson. The purpose of the work is to create templates of different types of motor activity that correspond to the subject of the curriculum of the geography course for students of 8th grades of secondary schools. An important issue is to studies teachers creative approaches to learning methods of teaching school subjects using interdisciplinary links. The active introduction of digital gadgets, social networks and the Internet into everyday life leads to a sharp decrease in the level of physical activity and health of children and adolescents. The game form of conducting educational classes provides an opportunity to supplement the lack of motor activity, to use motor and muscular memory, to raise the level of students’ interest in mastering a certain topic of the lesson. The paper focuses on combining the means and methods of teaching the school subject «Geography» with the means of maintaining the health of students by physical activity. The article presents several variants of motor activities on the topics «Topographic Maps» and «Animal World of Ukraine» with the method of their preparation and description of the course in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum of the school course of geography for 8th grade students. It has been established that mobile games are an effective means of improving health, improving the cardiovascular, muscular and respiratory systems of the body. It has been noted that health-promoting learning technologies are paramount in the teaching of all school subjects. Exercises of motor activity presented in the work are recommended to be introduced into the educational process of teaching geography under the condition of the classical form of work with students in the classroom.
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