The article considers and analyzes the psychological interaction between the accompanist and the soloist-performer as an integral component of a successful performance. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of psychological congruence between the accompanist and the soloist. In this regard, the features of the professional activity of the accompanist are revealed, the psychological and pedagogical features of his work are considered, their importance and significance in the structure of this activity is substantiated. The necessity of an important aspect – psychological training of the accompanist in general is substantiated. In addition, the importance of not only having deep knowledge on this issue, but also the ability to apply them in practice is emphasized. The relevance of the study is confirmed by the fact that such qualities as concertmaster intuition, emotional perception, empathy are especially emphasized in the literature, but since the time of FE Bach, have not found an explanation. Since these qualities are a criterion of professional skill, their study should be a priority for us. In modern conditions, the psychological competence of the accompanist is no less important than his performing and pedagogical abilities, reading skills and transposition. The article considers the psychological features of the relationship within the system of «accompanist-performer», which reveals the importance of the psychological component for the activities of the accompanist with soloists-performers, presents the main psychological aspects of concertmaster properties. The issue of the emergence of a single psycho-emotional field (PEP) between the accompanist and soloists, which must include not only technical skills but also skills of performance orientation, empathic abilities, intuition, which allows the accompanist using a range of performance and intonation techniques, as well as to perform a psychological and pedagogical function, to implement instrumental and performing support of the soloist-performer in the process of joint performance. In the process of joint work on musical material, the accompanist, in addition to the necessary harmonious and intuitive interaction with the soloist, performs one of the most important psychological and pedagogical tasks, which is reflected not only in performance but also in life. Thanks to his creative determination and intuition, a true accompanist is able not only to establish the necessary relationships with the environment, but also to help those who are close and need understanding, communication and partnership.
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