In this article the sense of physical training of servicemen is analyzed, its main problems and solutions. The practice of military training proves that servicemen who are in excellent physical shape, under the influence of physical pressure and mental stress maintain a faster and higher level of training and accuracy of combat techniques, acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. It means that they master the military profession and adapt more quickly to the unusual and difficult conditions of military life. The principles of professionally oriented physical training in the combat system of the army are indicated, such as: the principle of applicability, the principle of complexity and comprehensive development, the obligatory and systemic principle, the principle of optimality, the principle of responsibility, the principle of health orientation. The reasons and factors that negatively affect the effectiveness of the organization and management of the process of physical training of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are also indicated. There are some areas on the basis of which you can solve the problems of physical education of servicemen. An analysis of the training of adolescents and the lack of physical education in educational institutions, attention is paid to the individual approach to physical training of each individual serviceman, the general principles of training and its results in combat. A critical analysis of the imperfection of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the training of personnel to perform tasks. Currently, there is a need to review the physical training programs and the process of physical training of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in general.
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