The article presents the results of an experimental study effectiveness of didactic principles of formation of research competence primary school students in the educational process of the New Ukrainian school. The theoretical foundations of the formation problem have been determined and analyzed research competence of primary school students of NUS, the basis of which are the ideas of scientists, that defined the priority concepts of the optimal research-oriented orientation of this process: actualization personally transformative meaning of search activities of primary school students; creating an atmosphere of research and cognitive cooperation; building subjectsubject developmental communication between the teacher and the child, as equal partners. Organizational and pedagogical conditions have been developed and scientifically substantiated formation of research competence of primary school students in the educational process of NUS, in particular: providing the educational process research focus by creating an active and search nature learning environment; realization of potential resources and capabilities of elementary school students during the research tasks by applying a differentiated approach; acquisition and enrichment of research experience of primary school students through actualization of the developmental subjectsubject interaction of the teacher and students. As a result of experimental formative influence in experimental groups experienced positive changes in levels of formation of the studied phenomenon according to indicators of three components. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the obtained results confirmed the effectiveness implemented didactic principles of formation of research competence primary school students in the educational process of the New Ukrainian school.
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