The article considers the main directions of reformation changes in the professional training of educators in institutions of higher pedagogical education, in particular, focusing on increasing the requirements for pedagogical internship programs. Statistical data on the distribution of practicing teachers in different regions of Ukraine by age criterion and the level of employment of graduates of pedagogical specialties in educational institutions are analyzed. Based on the regulatory provisions, the main activities of the pedagogical internship are defined, in particular: conducting individual consultations, mentoring conversations with the intern; mutual visits to training sessions, attending lessons of experienced educators; monitoring the results of students’ learning; participating in training sessions, training seminars on methodological issues, creative reports of educators; studying the experience of the best teachers; attracting the intern to partner interaction with scientific, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical professionals, participating in professional communities of educators; psychological support of the intern, etc. The authors note that the educational environment of Ukraine incorporates procedural elements of the introduction of pedagogical internship but no official form of professional adaptation, a crucial institutionalized stage of obtaining professional qualifications in the pedagogical profession. The article highlights the experience of introducing pedagogical internships in foreign countries (Great Britain, Canada, Germany, the USA, and the Republic of Cyprus), which can become a valuable resource for implementing innovative changes in the introduction of this form of professional growth of teachers in Ukraine. Outlining the prospects for introducing the pedagogical internship in Ukraine based on the foreign practical experience, recommendations on the use of innovative ideas at the state, managerial and organizational levels are substantiated.
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