The problem of speech culture formation has always been and still remains one of the most important for the development of educational system and the culture of our country. The topic is of special relevance nowadays as we are witnessing the revival of the national identity in Ukraine together with the rapid growth toward information society. The speech culture of every person both proves the ability to communicate and reflects personality’s moral and aesthetic features. The relevance of the research is presupposed by the priorities stated in the Laws of Ukraine on education, on general secondary education, on National Doctrine of the educational system development in Ukraine in XXI century, on State Standard of the primary education, on The Concept of language education in Ukraine, on the Concept of New Ukrainian School and other educational documents. In mentioned context the main task of language education to form a personality with national identity, spiritually enriched speech culture, able to properly use means of communication in varied fields of expertise becomes a priority. The main goal of the research presupposes the analysis of the specificity of speech culture formation for education applicants in primary school with the help of the innovative approaches at the lessons of Humanities. The Introduction deals with the extent the problem has been researched, main terms and the ideas behind them, the characteristics of pedagogical conditions for the successful formation of the speech culture for modern generation. The Main part of the academic research deals with the analysis of practical techniques to develop education applicants’ speech culture during the process of studying Ukrainian language. The authors state that the most efficient is to use gaming, discussions, interactive methods, role-playing, story-telling and creative projects.
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