The article reveals the problems and tasks of a decisive role in the effective introduction into the artistic educational space of the newest paradigm of education of the 21st century, which plays the role of bringing together Ukrainian culture and art. And this is necessary for the development of each individual on the basis of the cultural values of Ukrainian society, the defining feature of which is the desire to understand the meaning of human existence through the involvement of students in the cultural and creative understanding of the best examples of musical art. The relevance of the problem is determined by the modern high requirements for the personality of the music teacher, in accordance with the National Strategy for the Development of Education of Ukraine, the recommendations of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, the key reform «New Ukrainian School», which makes it necessary to review the conditions for the formation of the professional skills of the music teacher in a secondary school , capable of organizing various types of artistic and creative activities and creative self-realization in this activity. The issue of transformation of the secondary education system of Ukraine is highlighted, which requires a new level of systematization of objective knowledge about the development of educational processes, knowledge of laws and regularities. The article examines the fundamentally new tasks facing a music teacher in a secondary school. The teacher must skillfully possess skills aimed at achieving the acmeological level with the fundamental principles of national selfawareness, socio-cultural conformity, problematization, humanism, dialogization and a person-oriented approach in the educational process. In order to further improve the professional skill of an art teacher in a secondary school, the acmeological direction is constant contact with people (the art of creative interaction), a constant desire for selfimprovement, which requires optimal professional and psychological preparation (psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills, developed professional qualities and abilities). The issue of forming a high level of pedagogical knowledge and a developed system of professional skills that determine his professional skill is raised in the conditions of a modern dynamic information environment.
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