Successful mastering of knowledge essential for future profession as well as the development of self-improvement and self-development skills, the ability to adapt quickly to changes to meet domestic and global standards are important factors that affect a modern specialist activities. The relevance of the study is determined by the growing demand for future specialists training institutions of higher education should involve effective means and methods to develop the professional competence of future specialists. The paper aims to analyze the recent experience in organizing students’ independent work while training foreign language for specific purposes and ways of its improvement using the educational platform Moodle. The development of the ability to acquire knowledge independently (search, analyze, prioritize), receive relevant information from authentic videos and texts, argue the view using learned vocabulary, discuss some professional topics increases the students’ motivation and therefore, promotes professional development. It is established that the implementation of activity, competent and communicative approaches facilitates the achievement of the set goal. The effectiveness of such teaching methods as educational discussion, projects, and interactive teaching has been confirmed. And their introduction contributes to the development of skills for working with information, communication strategies, and ability to express one’s point of view. For better mastering, the course materials were organized using systematicity and sequence principles. The use of the platform Moodle promotes motivation and improves the level of language proficiency due to the development of all kinds of speech activity, since the unit topics are directly related to their professional activities and the situation for discussions are close to real ones.
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