The article deals with the problem of formation of methodological and mathematical competence of future primary school teachers. The article reveals the essence of the concepts “competence”, “methodological competence”, “methodological-mathematical competence”. The characteristics of methodological and mathematical competence of primary school teachers’ formation is highlighted. Authors investigate the educational components that provide the formation of methodological-mathematical competence of future primary school teachers of the institution of general secondary education, according to the curriculum of the first (bachelor) level of higher education in the specialty 013 “Primary Education” in the field of study 01 “Education / Pedagogy”. The article describes the ways the methodological-mathematical training of future primary school teachers. The methodical and mathematical training of future primary school teachers is a process of forming methodical and mathematical competence, and the result is the acquisition by future teachers of professionally oriented mathematical knowledge, abilities and skills for successfully solving professional tasks in the process of teaching mathematics to younger schoolchildren in primary school. In the methodological-mathematical training of the future primary school teacher, learning technologies that model the content of future professional activities and help to include students in the educational process through the creation of problem-professional situations, role-playing games, debates and discussions, the use of interactive learning technologies, provide an opportunity students themselves to develop tasks of a problematic nature for independent work, the content of educational projects, lapbooks, etc. An important issue remains the integration of methodological and mathematical disciplines in the process of training future primary school teachers in institutions of higher education in the specialty 013 «Elementary Education», because the effective formation of professional methodological and mathematical competence of the teacher depends on its implementation.
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