The article defines and substantiates the pedagogical conditions of the formation of professional competence of future educators of preschool institutions as a complex of activities in the pedagogical process. The scientific researches concerning the categorical apparatus of the research were analyzed, the professionally oriented interpretation of the concept of pedagogical conditions were highlighted; we found out that scientists identify different types of pedagogical conditions that ensure the functioning and effective development of the pedagogical system, among which the most common organizational and pedagogical, psychological, pedagogical and didactic conditions. The author’s vision of the key concepts of the outlined topic (pedagogical conditions, activities of the pedagogical process, professional competence, professional training, quality of education) is presented; the conditions which should be considered at formation of the competent expert were defined. A questionnaire was developed and a monitoring survey was conducted on the quality of teaching and learning as conditions for the successful formation of a competent specialist; the analysis of the received results of the survey were presented. According to the results of the survey, it is established that the priority in professional training is the practical orientation of the educational process. It was ascertained that in the scientific pedagogical works of scientists, insufficient attention was paid to the consideration of the issue of the peculiarities of professional training in the conditions of professional higher education, which provides for the further development of empirical research methods and scientific analysis of the results obtained.The narratives of effective theoretical and practical training of applicants for the specialty of preschool education were determined. Were proved the constructiveness of measures aimed at the implementation of pedagogical conditions — active forms, methods and innovative teaching aids; organization of practical training as the basis for the formation of a competent specialist; extracurricular work, participation in social programs, cluster-based clubs.
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