The author established that informatization of professional activity is a key direction of reforming the production industries. It was established that an important component of the professional competence of future bachelors in electronics is digital competence, which contributes to the successful performance of professional duties. It is noted that the concept of “digital competence” is quite broad and there is currently no single universal definition. The article presents interpretations of the concept of “digital competence” by such scientists as: H. Genseruk, S. Scott, L. Gavrilova, Yu. Topolnyk, G. Soldatova. Various approaches to delineating the components of digital competence are considered. They are information component and media competence, communicative, technical and consumer competence (H. Soldatova), technical skills of working with ICT, the ability to use these resources in professional activities and the ability to plan, analyze and manage the work process using information and communication technologies (S. Prokhorova), cognitive and valuemotivational (L. Semko), information and digital data, communication and cooperation, creation of digital content, security, problem solving (DigComp 2.0). It is indicated that the tasks of digital competence are information management, satisfaction of needs, joint activity, problem solving, creation of a digital product, cooperation and communication. It is noted that digital competence generates efficiency coefficients of the professional higher education system, including an emphasis on models reflecting the dynamics of changes in external and internal components of the digital environment. The article pays attention to the levels of digital competence formation as an indicator that reflects the readiness of future bachelors in electronics to actively use digital technologies in professional activities. Indicators for measuring the level of digital competence have been determined, among them are professional development, use of digital resources, selfeducation, and formation of digital competence of future bachelors in electronics. It is noted that digital competence correlates with three levels of experience: high (expert), medium (integrator) and low (novice).
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