Core points of different stages of high schoolers’ valeological competence formation are revealed in the article. Organisation, methods, forms, pedagogical means and techniques aimed at valeological focus in students’ physical education are substantiated. Methodology of valeological competence formation was comprised of targeted, motivational, cognitive, operational-active and productive components. Each of the components was realized on a certain stage of valeological competence formation. In our research the secondary school teaching staff worked according to certain focal points: the provision of sanitation needs in education process as well as psychological, medical and social support for students on each of the stages of their development; regular diagnostics and correction of student health; activities aimed at maintaining student healthy lifestyle; implementation of methods and technologies which help to stay healthy in educational institution conditions; active encouragement of all participants of the education process to lead a healthy life. In our research high schoolers’ volitional efforts were focused on finding the ways to improve their well-being leading healthy lives. In the process of valeological competence formation teenagers with poor self-esteem and low status in the group were provided with high responsibilities to organize valeological activities that promoted their emotional wellness. One of the most important tasks in our pedagogical experiment was to develop students’ valeological awareness that presupposed acquisition of specific knowledge and skills for maintaining and strengthening their health. Having that kind of mindset would enhance schoolers’ positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. However, the above-mentioned ideas do not fully solve the problem. There are still issues that need further investigation.
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