This article emphasizes that the important element in the primary school educational process, in particular during the second cycle, is the formation and development of self-learning skills, including self-reading activity, which includes the implementation of the effective methods, techniques, technologies and forms of learning by a teacher. It is analyzed the possibilities of the implementing the "flipped learning" technology in primary school, in particular at the lessons of Ukrainian Language and Reading, or Literary Reading lessons. The notion "flipped learning" is interpreted as a form of active learning, the essence of which is to learn new material by students at home, i.e., the acquaintance with the learning material before the next lesson is going independently, and the classroom time is devoted to comprehend and apply knowledge, skills and abilities, in other words for practical tasks. It is determined that the advantages of this form of work are to ensure that each student reaches his level of development through their own pace of work, giving more study time for practical work or to clarify specific misunderstandable issues, to activate cognitive activity of the students who are always interested in working with gadgets, and, as a consequence, it increases their interest to the lessons, the ability to quickly diagnose the educational achievements of the education applicants, etc. It is proposed to start the implementation of the “flipped learning” technology at the lessons of literary reading from a fairy tale, which is the most interesting work for primary school students. The possible tasks for self-work during the study of fairy tales "Cyrilo Kozhumiaka", "About a gray crow and magic glasses", "Legend about a pasqueflower " are described here. It is offered the comparative analysis of traditional learning and “flipped learning” technologies at Reading lessons. It is proved that the advantages of the flipped learning technology at Reading lessons are the formation of self-reading activity; the improving reading skills; enrichment of social and cognitive experience; the development of critical and logical thinking and literature-creative abilities; the formation of readiness for high-quality mastering of academic disciplines in primary and secondary schools, i.e. the competences of lifelong learning.
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