The article is devoted to the problem of a comprehensive approach to the future teachers’ training for Englishlanguage teaching activities in the conditions of the European integration of Ukraine. The research attention is focused on the preparation of future art teachers for teaching major subjects in English. In particular, the concept of «integrated teaching process of various disciplines» is analyzed and the phenomenon of «integrated teaching process of future art teachers for teaching a major subject in English» is specified. The main focus is paid to the integration of teaching such subjects as «Fine Arts» and «Foreign Language» as a means of mastering a professional discipline. Specific language operations, pre-speech actions and different speech activities for teaching a professional discipline in English are defined. A system of exercises for mastering the English language by future art teachers is presented. The system consists of three groups according to the educational stages. The first group includes exercises on mastering professional linguistic material in English at the linguistic and conceptual stage. Training at this stage involves perceiving and understanding the conceptual apparatus of the topic in major subject under study; independent interpretation of new concepts, their differentiation and normative use in speech. The second group includes exercises on mastering the subject content of the discipline «Fine Arts», which is taught in English, at the subject and speech stage. Training at this stage involves perception, understanding and analysis of the main content of the subject material presented in a foreign language. The third group includes exercises on training professional actions, which are executed in English, to apply the acquired professional knowledge in practice at the professional and activity stage. All exercises have a professional and creative meaning. Training at this stage focuses exclusively on the essence of the professional activity. The foreign language in this case only helps the major subject fulfilling the serving function.
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