The concept of “management” has firmly entered our everyday and professional life, and the basic principles of managerial activity are already actively applied in the educational and artistic fields. Today, the traditional education system needs reorganization, as current realities make certain adjustments to the professional training of students of higher and pre-higher education, dictate new needs and requests for future specialists. The scientific study highlights the relevance of implementing the basic principles of choral management in the process of professional training of students of higher education in the specialty 014.13 secondary education (musical art). The article examines the main components of successful conducting activity, including conducting-manual technique, vocal-performing and instrumental skills, ability to interpret musical material, personal qualities of the leader (authority, communication, empathy, clear civic and social position). The key managerial functions performed by the conductor in the collective are also outlined, including the provision of material and technical conditions, the organization of sociocultural activities and financial support, the creation of a psychological and emotional climate, popularization and promotion of the choir on the Internet. The importance of the symbiosis of these functions into a single whole and their combination with related disciplines that are not related to musical art is substantiated. Future specialists, in particular those who will work with art groups in preschool, general secondary or higher education institutions, should be able to apply these qualities of an organizer and manager in practice. Life in new realities forces us to look for new creative approaches to the formation and provision of educational services. Therefore, the main task for every teacher today is to find new methods of working with students, emphasizing the importance of managerial functions in professional activity. Working with social networks and digital platforms, using the experience of Ukrainian colleagues and the world community is also important in applying the acquired knowledge and skills in practice in various choral groups.
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