The article analyzes the peculiarities of the use of various software tools in the classes of the science and mathematics cycle. It was found that the use of information technologies stimulates students to develop independence, promotes selfimprovement and increases the quality of knowledge, self-organization and self-control. The research was carried out on the basis of the practice of using the GRAN1, GRAN-2D, 3D Calculator – GeoGebra software, the use of which reduces time spent on various types of tasks. These services are easy to use and have a convenient interface that is as similar as possible to the interface of the most common general-purpose programs. For example, the GRAN-1 software tool can be used to draw drawings for tasks that were traditionally solved with a compass and ruler and to build complex functions. The GRAN-2D program is designed for the graphical analysis of systems of geometric objects on a plane. The GeoGebra service helps to create “living drawings” for use in geometry, algebra, and stereometry, in particular, for constructions using a compass and ruler. The results of scientific research prove that the use of online resources makes it possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of the educational process, organize the interaction of all subjects of education and build an educational system in which the student would be an active and equal participant. In general, it was found that the use of the latest technologies in the process of educational activities makes it possible to achieve a qualitatively higher level of quality of classes, significantly expands the possibilities of activating the activities of students of education, and continuous feedback enlivens the educational process, which ultimately leads to the formation of a positive attitude of students to studying subjects natural and mathematical cycle.
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