The article investigates the pedagogical foundations of the formation of professional and value orientations of prospective engineering specialists in higher technical educational institutions. Based on the analysis of modern approaches to the training of technical specialists, the peculiarities of the training of prospective engineers are defined by the formation of a professional and value attitude to the profession. A value approach to the training of prospective engineering specialists is considered to be a necessary condition for the development of their system of universal and professional value orientations. The main professional and value orientations are claimed a core characteristic of the prospective engineer’s personality. Professional training of engineering workers in higher technical educational institutions is defined as an organized process aimed at assimilating professionally necessary knowledge, mastering important skills in the organization of technological processes of industrial production, work skills of a team leader. Effective training of prospective engineers should be aimed at universal human, spiritual, national values, their creative activity in the work team, ensuring self-realization and self-development of both their own and their subordinates in the process of work. The professional and value orientations of the prospective engineering specialist, which are formed in the process of humanitarian, engineering-theoretical, technological, practical, managerial, scientific-research, economic, economiclegal and environmental components of training, are substantiated. The effectiveness of the formation of professional value orientations of prospective engineers for the purpose of training highly qualified specialists of a technical profile in higher technical educational institutions is proved.
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