The article examines the essence and main provisions of partnership pedagogy and subject relations in the conditions of the new Ukrainian school. Different definitions of the concepts «partner pedagogy”, “dialogic communication”, “partner interaction” were analyzed. The purpose and key principles of partnership interaction in the context of implementing innovations in a modern elementary school are characterized, among which the principles of trust, equality, distributed leadership, and respect for the individual should be noted. The positive factors of the influence of partnerships in primary school on the development of the personality of a junior high school student have been determined, where, in our opinion, student orientation, moral and family values play the greatest role. The pedagogical potential of the forms and methods of partnership interaction has been revealed, in particular, it has been proven that partnership in education ensures the training of a competitive, independent, responsible and demanding individual who is able to face the challenges of society. In the process ofresearching the peculiarities of partnership pedagogy in the conditions of the new Ukrainian school, it was possible to single out modern forms of partnership interaction, among which dialogic communication deserves increased attention, which becomes especially relevant during distance learning, because students currently lack “live” dialogue and direct contact with other sub objects of study. The list of generally accepted methods of partner interaction is supplemented by actual methods in the conditions of distance learning, in particular, methods of online interaction, progressive mutual influence, reflective interaction and constructive communication. It has been proven that effective partnership interaction should be systematic and goal-oriented, and only under such conditions will successful integration of family and school be carried out in order to stimulate the personality development of the younger schoolboy. In addition to the above, further ways of implementing partnership pedagogy in the conditions of the new Ukrainian school are outlined.
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