The article outlines modern research directions of individual psychological features and interpersonal relationships as a complex psychological phenomenon and the influence of the pedagogical process on the formation of the creative development of student youth. Emphasis is placed on the scientific approach developed in modern domestic pedagogy, according to which purposeful use of the potential of musical art was determined as an important factor in personality formation in the educational process. The importance of studying interpersonal relationships in the school team and determining the social status of an individual is shown. The need to create favorable conditions for children’s creative self-realization, learning interaction and mutual influence in the team is justified.It is shown that the work on the formation of creative development must be combined with the education of a self-confident and optimistic personality. The essence of the concept of “self-esteem” and “abilities” for certain creative activities in the process of purposeful training and practical solving of creative tasks is clarified. A child’s success is embedded in the very nature of the phenomenon of giftedness, the desire to succeed is one of the existential needs of an individual. It has been proven that the development of positive interpersonal relations during the performance of joint creative tasks in each student reveals creative abilities and inclinations, affects their creative self-realization and personal growth. It is necessary to provide opportunities for the development of the creative potential of each individual in artistic and aesthetic activities, in particular musical ones. Involvement of children in joint creative activities, and later in the manifestation of individual creative features of everyone, creates an opportunity for them to express themselves, gain communicative experience, and demonstrate the full potential of their creative abilities. Relying on the creative potential of the individual helps to increase the level of social status and the formation of the creative development of the individual.
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