The research work is devoted to the study of the problem of the formation and development of research skills and conducting experiments skills while studying and assessment of the ecological state of the environment and the assimilation of basic sanitary and hygienic norms. The main tasks are characterized and examples of practical application of the natural experiment in the 11th grade of the Maloglushansky Lyceum are given. In order to investigate the effectiveness of the implementation of the experiment, the diagnosis of the absolute and qualitative success of students was carried out according to the completed program loading on the theme «Ecology», the ranking of educational subjects was carried out according to the level of interest in them, before and after the research work. Unfortunately, the analysis of the obtained results shows that the students have not made their choice regarding the future profession yet. Some tasks, especially the existence of sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements for school premises and territories were completely unknown and new concepts for them. It was found that after the experiment, the students became more interested in science subjects, their interest increased from 9.5% to 23.8%; their interest in studying biology and ecology increased in 2 times. It has been proven that the performance of research work by students gave a better result in the new material perception and it promoted to the research skills development. The level of absolute and qualitative success of students in natural sciences has increased. Thus, the absolute success rate of students after the school experiment is 100% (against 95.2% before the experiment). The level of qualitative success has increased by 38.1% (from 43% to 81%). The method of introducing science experiments into the institutions of general secondary education in extracurricular work when studying the theme «Ecology» was proposed and tested. Suggestions for the problem solving of introducing science experiments into the general educational process of school education are provided.
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