The successful strategic operation of the Defense Forces of Ukraine caused the emergence of a new stage of military actions by the aggressor country, characterized by the forced “excessive use” of mobilization resources and combat (special military) vehicles and the “utilization” of mercenaries of private military companies of the russian federation, which are outside the law. During this stage, preparation for the counteroffensive operation of the Ukrainian military takes place. Changes in the tactics of the enemy's war of aggression – a significant number of mostly unsuccessful attacks on defense areas, strongholds and positions of our troops – are associated with conditions of limited visibility: the actions of small tactical groups take place on foot and at night, because the buildings of localities (other natural shelters) either partially or almost completely destroyed by heavy artillery, aviation, as well as multiple launched rocket systems of the rashits. The main place in the system of common military training of future officers (higher education applicant) belongs to specialized departments of higher military educational institutions (departmental institutions of higher education): various types of classes are conducted by scientific and pedagogical workers who have experience in combat operations. According to the guiding documents, at least 30% of practical field exercises on various topics are conducted at night: tactical actions of observation posts (observers) and on-duty fire means using night vision devices and units assigned to guard command and observation posts and to repel sudden attacks of the ground enemy, elimination of its reconnaissance, conducting and adjusting fire (aiming); organization of illumination of the area and blinding of the enemy; fortification of personnel positions and rest places under various tactical and meteorological conditions. The following are the features of the common military training of higher education applicants at night: light and heat masking of own tactical actions using special heat-insulating materials, quality control of which is carried out with the help of thermal imaging equipment of training unmanned aerial vehicles; illumination of the area where the “enemy” is operating and its blinding: wide use of lighting means in combination with smoke (aerosol) means; the use of small pointers with light-accumulating materials (chemical lighthouse) to indicate starting positions, directions of movement and areas of concentration of military personnel; equipping retrievers with carbines and additional patch pockets for convenient storage and use of night equipment: compasses, special lights, reflectors, night vision devices, thermal imagers, power batteries, etc. The educational and technical base of higher education institutions is characterized by the latest models of weapons, special military equipment and other technical means, which are used, as a rule, in an area unfamiliar to those who be trained, after a preliminary reconnaissance of the places (districts, sites) of classes, and allows to organize the training of future officers at night.
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Положення про організацію освітнього процесу в Національній академії Державної прикордонної служби України імені Богдана Хмельницького : Наказ ректора Національної академії Державної прикордонної служби України від 26.12.2018 № 316.
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