The article examines the experience of national and foreign higher education institutions regarding the principles and mechanisms of interaction with employers in order to adapt educational programs to the needs of the labor market. It was established that the most common mechanisms of interaction of both national and foreign higher education institutions with employers are: cooperation with the development of educational programs; involvement of practitioners in teaching activities; organization of practical training on the basis of partner enterprises. Prospective mechanisms of interaction between national higher education institutions and employers have been identified: joint teams and development of project proposals to solve problems and implement innovations at a specific enterprise; commercialization of knowledge created by research scientists; organizing the creation and use of educational crowdsourcing platforms and conducting informal exchanges of knowledge and skills. The application of the above-mentioned mechanisms will contribute to the adaptation of educational programs and the formation of skills and competencies that meet the requirements of the labor market. The principles of interaction of higher education institutions and employers have been established: participation and partnership; objectivity/ impartiality; integrity; transparency; responsibility and accountability; tolerance; effectiveness and expediency of the problems, priorities and goals of effective interaction of the higher education institution and employers, which increase the effectiveness of communication and the quality of higher education.
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