The work is devoted to the study of the problem of smoking among teenagers. The results of the survey of teenagers in grades 9-11 in the institution of general secondary education in Rivne city were analyzed. The analysis of the obtained results shows that, unfortunately, teenagers are not fully aware of the problem of smoking and its impact on their health, 2/3 of the children of all ages have never wanted to smoke are surveyed. The immaturity of teenagers does not allow them to assess the dangers of smoking. It was found that 54% of the respondents do not have cigarette smokers in their circle of friends, and if they do appear, 60% of teenagers will stop communicating with them, and 24% will limit communication. However, teenagers justify the beginning of their smoking in different ways. For some, there is a desire to “stand out” and seem more mature (45%), others imitate their authority figures, parents (2%), smoke for pleasure 23%, for the company of peers (16%). Note that 85% of teenagers’ parents have a negative attitude towards their children’s smoking. The habit of smoking every day is formed from the age of 14 and increases over the years. Boys are more likely to smoke every day. It was found that not all teenagers are interested in the harmfulness of smoking and its consequences. However, when studying the topic of the impact of tobacco smoking in biology classes, they begin to think about the problem of smoking. The analysis of survey results shows that 42% of teenagers are afraid of dying from pulmonary tuberculosis, 32% from cancer, for 22% smoking is a personal decision and they are the ones who mainly form potential chronic smokers. Concerns about the impact of smoking on human health are increased almost 80% of adolescents viewed photos and presentations. However, they consider it inappropriate to listen to lectures about the dangers of cigarette smoking. Discussing of the problem of tobacco use and its consequences, organizing anti-tobacco campaigns, and controlling the sale and consumption of cigarettes, in our opinion, will reduce of the tobacco consumption among adolescents.
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