The article raises the problem of practical training of bachelors in physical culture and sports within the study of the course «Methods of tourism and local lore of the new Ukrainian school». The main attention is paid to the organization of a water tour as a component of water tourism. The relationship between education, market conditions and modern trends, as well as the relevance of tourism as a form of leisure, sport, business and lifestyle are noted. Various aspects of research by domestic scientists of the formation of professional competencies in tourism among future physical culture teachers are analyzed in detail, as well as their recommendations regarding the necessary changes in curricula, their views on the place of tourism in teaching and educational work. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the significance of the discipline “Methods of tourist and local lore work in the new Ukrainian school”, first of all – practical classes. It focuses on practical training of students to conduct tourism tours, especially water trips, the development of the relevant general and specialized knowledge and skills. Attention is drawn to specific competencies that are formed in the process of practical exercises dedicated to the preparation for water trips. The results of the questionnaire survey of students regarding their attitude to participation in hiking trips, the need for classroom training (special disciplines) for conducting trips, motives for engaging in water tourism and the need for personal preparation for conducting water trips. The features of a sport characters, necessary for the preparation of bachelors in physical culture and sports in water trips, are described. As boating is a seasonal sport, the need for physical fitness during the off-season is emphasized. The article describes and analyzes a water trip of the III degree of complexity, made by teachers and students of the specialty physical culture and sports with the assistance of the Volyn regional center of national-patriotic education, tourism and local history of students of the Volyn regional council. As a result, it is noted that there is a need for systematic trekking so that future teachers can obtain the qualification of a «hike participant».
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