The article examines aspects of the proper organization of the physical education process in higher education institutions of Ukraine, which is able to overcome negative trends in the state of health and physical fitness of student youth. It was noted that educational classes with game sports are very effective for introducing them into the process of physical education of students of higher education institutions who have different physical conditions and training. In educational institutions, sports, and movement games are used mainly as part of educational and recreational activities for the purpose of developing physical qualities, forming motor skills and abilities, and active recreation. A variety of sports allows each student to reveal their inner potential. It is noted that when certain results are achieved, the student feels the sense of attending physical education classes. During systematic training in their favorite kind of sports games, students develop such important qualities as speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, attention, reaction, and thinking. Such students have a fairly high level of activity, a certain stereotype of the daily regime is developed in them, confidence in behavior increases, the development of “prestige attitudes” and a high level of vitality is observed. They are more communicative, less afraid of criticism, express readiness for cooperation, because a higher level of nervous and emotional stability and endurance is observed, among them there are more persistent and decisive people who are leaders in the team. The types of sports that college students would like to practice have been determined by means of a questionnaire. The leading place is occupied by sports games. Football, volleyball, badminton, and floorball remain the most popular among boys, while girls choose table tennis, volleyball, and badminton. Further study and research are needed for the rational ratio of the means of various sports games to optimize physical education in higher education institutions and the training of future specialists in physical education.
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