The article examines the peculiarities of using the mathematical tablet “Geobord” as a means of developing logical thinking of younger schoolchildren. The analysis of the works of scientists regarding the definition of the concepts of “thinking”, “logical thinking”, “logical skills” was carried out. The following methods of logical thinking are characterized: analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization, classification, systematization. Analysis allows you to divide the whole into parts; synthesis is a means of combining certain separate elements into a single whole; abstraction involves isolating specific features and turning away from others; comparison establishes similarities or differences; generalization serves as a means of combining phenomena or objects according to certain characteristics; classification allows dividing objects by features; systematization involves division and subsequent unification. The specified logical techniques are interconnected in the process of cognition and play an important role in it. The functions and role of the mathematical tablet in the education of younger schoolchildren have been clarified. And exercises for the development of logical thinking of younger schoolchildren using the mathematical tablet “Geobord” are also offered. The use of a geoboard in mathematics lessons contributes to the development of logical thinking of younger schoolchildren, the formation of a holistic picture of the world in them, the development of constructive skills, ideas about spatial relationships, geometric figures, numbers, arithmetic operations, etc. The child will be able to experiment, creating patterns and shapes with the help of rubber bands, which promotes the development of logical thinking. In addition, students develop skills for independent and collective work, an individual and creative approach is implemented, and research activity is intensified.
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