The article considers the role of information technologies in the educational process of higher school teachers. It is noted that information technologies have become an integral component of the content of training, which contribute to the implementation principles of developmental education allow to form modern young people knowledgeable in information and communication technologies. The article defines the problem of training teachers for the use of network technologies not only from the standpoint of forming the components of information-operational activity, but also from the point of view of the development of other components of information culture – information worldview, value orientations and needs. The authors give examples of preparing teachers in European countries and America. Particular attention is paid to the use of Internet resources in teaching, obtaining up-to-date information related to the professional activities of the student, as well as the system for monitoring the educational process in a foreign language. Internet resources provide the teacher with special opportunities for use in practical classes. The World Wide Web is a real support for a teacher who has the opportunity to use Internet resources in various types of educational activities. In this regard, the information culture of a teacher, which is a system of knowledge that provides purposeful independent activity to optimally meet individual information needs, the implementation of distance and online types of learning. The article emphasizes that the most important components of a teacher’s information culture are the ability to define and formulate goals, to set tasks, to build informational models of the processes and phenomena being studied, analyze information models using automated information systems and interpret the obtained results, predict possible consequences of their decisions, use modern information technology. Every teacher should strive for this in the process of their own selfimprovement.
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