The article deals with the modern problem of training future primary school teachers through the prism of research of pedagogical experience and heritage of Ukrainian and Russian pedagogue, outstanding classic of pedagogical science, author of scientific works and textbooks for primary school Konstantin Ushynskyi. Educational reforms, in particular the New Ukrainian School, raise the issue of generation of primary school teachers who will not only be able to meet public demands and requirements, but will also create the nation’s intellectual potential. Solving these problems will be effective only with a change in the educational process in the universities. However, the new education system must follow the principles developed by classical scholars. The purpose of the article is a retrospective study of the pedagogical heritage of Ushynskyi, his scientific views on the training of future primary school teachers, basic principles and ideas. According to K. Ushynskyi, the basic in the development of the student’s personality is the study of the basics of science, which reveals to the child the laws of nature and society and in some way affects their mind and soul. Published textbooks for primary school, were focused on the development of children’s thinking and education of moral qualities: love for nature and their land, to the people around them, humanity, kindness, diligence. The scientist thought that the main approach in the preparation of the younger generation is nature, because natural phenomena early begin to excite the mind of the child. Observation and study of native nature contributes to the development of patriotism and also aesthetic education. These ideas are relevant in the implementation of the natural education of the New Ukrainian School. Therefore, it is important to introduce interactive methods of working with students, which will contribute to the expansion of natural knowledge, the development of critical thinking and the formation of the future primary school teachers’ natural science competence. The article reveals the practical experience of compiling cognitive tasks of natural content by applicants for higher education.
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