The main task of higher education in the 21st century is to prepare a competent specialist in the field of music education who is competitive in the labor market with formed professional value orientations, which will become a vector of actions in the education of schoolchildren using musical art. The article takes into account that higher education as a pedagogical phenomenon is an inseparable unity of intellectual, emotional-value and ideological components. In the process of professional training, all three components act in an inseparable unity. The purpose of the article is to highlight the essence and structure of the professional value orientations of the music teacher, which are based on generally accepted components of education in universities. The study states that the higher school forms a system of basic professional values in students by the interests of our society. On the one hand, it should be universal, on the other – it is necessary to take into account that each individual differs in his system of value orientations depending on abilities, individual characteristics, and professional orientation. The result of the research is the determined structure and content of professional value orientations of the future music teacher. Conclusions have been formulated that the professional value orientation of a music teacher is a competence characteristic, the presence of which will become the basis for success in future musical and pedagogical activities. The scientific investigation describes the characteristics of the interrelated constituent components of the structure of professional and value orientations of the future music teacher: cognitive, emotional – sensual, meaning – purposeful. These components most fully reveal the specifics of the music teacher’s profession and contribute to further professional self-improvement and personal growth of the future teacher-musician. The article highlights the thesis that for the effective formation of professional and personal qualities in future music teachers, a conscious elaboration and study of the essence and structure of the phenomenon under study is necessary.
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