It is highlighted the degree of formation of academic integrity at the 1st and 2nd educational and scientific levels, characterized the methods and ways of developing the academic integrity culture in graduate students, and it is proved the need to improve the ways of developing the culture of academic integrity at the 3rd educational and scientific level. Academic integrity is a set of ethical principles and rules defined by law, which should be guided by the participants of the educational process during learning, teaching and carrying out scientific (creative) activities in order to ensure trust in the results of studies and/or scientific (creative) achievements in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Education» dated September 5, 2017. The object is the academic integrity culture of higher school graduates, and the subject is the step-by-step formation of the academic integrity culture at various educational and scientific levels (I-bachelor’s, II-master’s, III-postgraduate). The aim of the article is to determine the relevance of the formation and development of the academic integrity culture at the III level of education. It has been established that familiarization with the academic integrity culture at all levels occurs through the prism of (anti)plagiarism actions, other norms and rules for compliance with academic integrity are hardly paid attention to. Higher education institutions mostly provide generalized information for the entire educational and scientific process without specification for each faculty, department, discipline, which complicates the process of understanding between the subjects of the academic process. Subjects for the formation of academic integrity culture are bachelor students, master students, scientific and pedagogical workers, and such a link as a graduate student, doctor of philosophy is mostly left out of attention, or is considered together with others, which is inappropriate, since the role and requirements to the acquirer of the third level of education are different from the previous levels.
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