The research highlights the relevance of acquiring speechwriting skills for career advancement, for instance, the formation of skills to create a self-presentation that attracts a modern employer. The article outlines the methodology for preparing for the creation of a modern self-presentation (finding personal achievements, strengths, uniqueness, life vision) and identifies practical steps for presenting information and its design. The need to perceive the process of creating a self-presentation and the finished product as an important psycho-emotional factor that supports a person in difficult life circumstances is substantiated. The specialists realise that they have a number of positive personal and professional characteristics that can ensure success in finding a job if necessary. Therefore, we see the practical significance of working with young people on preparing an effective self-presentation holistically: firstly, in connection with the development of professional competence; secondly, as strengthening the psychological stability of the individual. Such a principle of studying the practical aspect of speechwriting focuses on the individuals, their uniqueness, increases the level of self-esteem, the quality of professional communication, motivates development, and thus contributes to its effectiveness. The application of the proposed methodology for creating an effective self- presentation enriches the personality, motivates development, activates creativity, critical thinking, draws attention to the analysis of one's own life goals, values, personal vision, which expands the perception of oneself as a person by future professionals. This is especially important in the severe conditions of the war in the country.
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