The article reveals the key problems of the formation of psychological and pedagogical activity in retrospect. The purpose of the study is to examine the influence of the teacher on the formation of transgenerational developmental trauma in youth. The subject of the study is the process of formation of the phenomenon of deprivation in young people under the influence of the educational process. The main methods of the study were theoretical (analysis and synthesis, generalization, deduction), systemic, functional, and specific sociological. The article discusses the main approaches to understanding the educational process by Heraclitus. The article analyzes the understanding of pedagogy from the perspective of theology, philosophy, and psychology. The basic principles of Heraclitus’ works are considered. The author provides statistics on visits to a psychologist by students, young people, and families of veterans, which shows a quantitative indicator of the problem. The statistical and analytical work done in the article allowed us to analyze the main forms of teacher’s activity that affect the development of transgenerational trauma of youth. The thesis of selfdevelopment as a condition for discovering knowledge about the universe was put forward, allowing famous artists to understand and present the laws of infinity reproduced in physics, mathematics, biology, and music. An attempt was made to demonstrate the role of metaphors in the dissemination of known knowledge, the popularization of closed knowledge, and the influence of metaphors on the work of the two cerebral hemispheres. The article concludes that Ukraine’s historical experience demonstrates the eternal truth described by Heraclitus, according to which war is harmony, a form of universal justice. The interpretation of war by young people from the perspective of the process of understanding themselves or serving changing values for the sake of pleasure and benefit is an important aspect in the development of science and the preservation of the nation’s mental health. The role of the educator at this stage is to support the ability of young people to win their own war for the sake of peace on Earth.
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