The article considers the issue of using one of the visualization methods in the educational process, known in the English nomenclature as «scribing». The list of skills that a teacher must possess for the successful application of this method is defined. The main advantages of scribing are brightness, conciseness, informativeness, and creativity of information presentation; the visual image is built in parallel with the oral presentation of the material; the auditory and visual systems simultaneously perceive information, that is, the so-called parallel memorization occurs, which increases the percentage of learning the material; structuring the material in this way allows the teacher to present extensive information interactively. The scribing method can be used in classes on various subjects. However, the greatest visualization can be achieved in educational classes in natural sciences. The use of scribing is aimed at learning the material in the most understandable and attractive format using drawings, applications, pictures, and tables. The use of scribing is possible at all stages of the lesson. It is most effective when explaining a new topic. In this way, students can be interested in various graphic images that are related to the new educational material. When organizing independent work using scribing presentations, you can effectively plan work in groups. As a result of such work, one’s group project can be created. The use of scribing helps to increase the effectiveness of learning, the development of visual thinking, the strengthening of cognitive interest and independence. This method contributes to the development of key educational competencies that allow not only to master theoretical material but also to master social experience, and to acquire life skills and project activities in modern society.
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