Modern society desperately needs highly qualified, competent and competitive specialists who are able to effectively conduct sports events, physical culture and health work, to restore the health of people and youth. Thus, high-quality professional training of applicants for higher education in physical education and sports is an urgent problem of our time. For experimental verification of high-quality professional training of applicants for higher education in physical education and sports, namely the methods of effectiveness of the formation of the reflective component of the readiness of future specialists in physical education and sports for sports and mass and of physical culture and health work the expert estimation of levels of mastering of professional competence of a reflective component of readiness of future experts in physical training and sports was offered: the distributions of higher education seekers of experimental and control groups were compared (the corresponding distributions at the beginning and at the end of the formative experiment were compared; quantitative and qualitative results of ascertaining and molding experiments; the reliability of the results is determined and the conclusions about the pedagogical effect of the experiment are substantiated). The results of the observational experiment convincingly prove significant positive changes in the levels of formation of the reflective component of the readiness of higher education seekers for sports and mass and physical culture and health work: the share of such applicants for higher education increased at a high level – by 10%, at a sufficient level – by 20.3%. Experts have shown the unity of opinion that a low level of reflexive abilities is inherent in only 5.5% of students in the experimental array. In the control groups, the level shifts are less noticeable: the share of higher education seekers with high and sufficient levels of formation of the reflective component of readiness for sports and mass and physical culture and health work increased by 3.7%; the number of applicants for higher education with a low level of formation of this component has not changed.
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