The article deals with professional self-improvement a young specialist and increasing his competitiveness in the labor market in modern conditions. The term “professionally oriented learning” is used to define the process of teaching a foreign language in a technical institution of higher education. This process is aimed at the study of professional literature, mastering professional vocabulary and terminology, as well as communication in the field of professional activity. Students learn professional terminology, activate it in the field of professional communication. This is due to the use of problematic issues and tasks, business games, discussions, terminological dictation, test tasks, etc. The task of each teacher of the discipline “Foreign language for professional purposes” is to carefully select texts for students. They are a motivating factor because they offer interesting, thematic and diverse information about future professional activities. For students, texts are the “key” for understanding the foreign language environment, ways of thinking, features of communicative behavior of potential foreign partners. The exercise should set a certain main goal – to learn, master, form certain mechanisms. The content of the exercise is an important component, that is, what you need to learn and training actions to solve the educational and communicative problem, control and self-control. Understanding and using lexical units of a professional dictionary should be attributed to a set of exercises. Various lexical exercises help to consolidate and activate the acquired knowledge. The gradual complication of tasks and their variation contribute to the development of logical thinking among students. The system of exercises for studying vocabulary of professional direction can serve as a feature of communicative competence in further research.
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