The article substantiates the theoretical and methodological aspects intended for the curriculum of a future musical art teacher professional personality education and provides methodological guidance and recommendations for the development of an appropriate curriculum in higher educational institutions. The author considers the problem of educating the personality of a young teacher from the point of view of the current socio-cultural situation associated with the reform in higher pedagogical education, new trends in education, in the context of its diverse social, intellectual and professional development – thorough mastering of music education, forming aesthetic world outlook, high moral and spiritual qualities, assimilating the ideals of life and socially significant values developed by mankind that are vitally important for the personality general and creative professional formation and growth. This requires structuring pedagogical process in a higher educational institution based on humanism and democracy, internal freedom, personality-oriented approach to education which ensures successful socialization of a will-be teacher in life and future professional activities in the educational service market. The article identifies the basic areas of the professional training of a future musical art teacher specified by the up-todate social requirements, global trends in education, significant principles and functions of the process of educating a teacher as a personality. The author proposes the content and forms of organizing the educational process that are subordinated to the logic of the professional and personal development of a student-musician. The main source of educating a future musical art teacher is art itself, which develops his/her intellect, high proficiency, general emotional sphere, artistic tastes and aesthetic values, forms his/her professional creativity. Education of the value-based attitude toward society, pedagogical work and art is manifested in the personal growth of a future musical art teacher, his/her harmonious overall development and ability to successfully self-realize and raise his/her self-esteem in society as an expert, artist, bearer and promoter of music culture.
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