This article examines the importance of language learning in the context of globalisation and international integration. Given the increasing demand for English language skills, the article analyses the motivational factors that influence successful language learning. The main aim of the study is to develop innovative strategies that consider the motivational needs of students at different levels of language proficiency and help to increase their motivation. It emphasises the importance of adapting curricula to the individual needs of students in order to increase their efficiency and engagement in learning. Previous studies have shown the importance of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in influencing the learning process. Intrinsic motivation, related to enjoyment of the learning process, and extrinsic motivation, related to rewards or avoidance of punishment, are important factors in success. The analysis of English language proficiency levels shows the need for differentiated approaches to learning, considering the individual needs of learners. Gender differences in motivation are also important and require the development of inclusive strategies for effective language teaching. The study highlights the importance of integrative and instrumental motivation, which encourages students to learn a language for personal and professional development. The results of the study indicate the need to continuously assess students’ motivational needs and to adapt teaching strategies in order to achieve high academic results. It is also important to consider the cultural context in which learning takes place, as this can affect students’ motivation and success. The use of modern technology and interactive teaching methods also plays an important role in increasing students’ motivation to learn foreign languages. This study offers new perspectives for improving foreign language teaching methods, focusing on an integrated approach that includes both motivational and pedagogical aspects.
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