The article examines the theoretical and applied aspects of the involvement of professional preliminary higher education students in research activities in the process of studying natural sciences. It is noted that research skills are a necessary condition and integral component of the formation of professional competence of future primary school teachers. The article focuses on the conditions necessary for the development of research skills of students of the pedagogical college. The search activity of students is aimed at mastering the methods of scientific research, developing their creative thinking and individual abilities in solving theoretical and practical tasks; instilling in students the skills of independence in search and research activities. This prompts the teacher to focus on the use of the latest pedagogical technologies, the use of research techniques, and search methods in teaching educational components, in particular, the science and mathematics cycle. It was found that the research skills of future teachers are defined as a set of professional qualities that ensure the readiness of students of higher pedagogical educational institutions to perform purposeful research activities based on practical applications of knowledge in the education of future schoolchildren. Pedagogical students need to master the methods of scientific knowledge and research competencies in order to thoroughly master academic disciplines and acquire the skills of practical application of knowledge in future work. It is important to realize the significant didactic potential for the formation of the foundations of these competencies in classes in the disciplines of the naturalmathematical cycle.
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