The article examines the development of students’ foreign language lexical competence within the framework of a sociocultural approach. It examines the principles and benefits of using a sociocultural approach in language education and its implications for improving students’ language skills. The article examines the importance of learning a foreign language in the context of socio-cultural features, the role of interaction with culture in the process of assimilating lexical material, as well as methods and strategies aimed at active use of the language in various situations. Analyzing various aspects of language learning, including the acquisition of vocabulary in a cultural context, the active use of language in a variety of sociocultural settings, and the understanding of cultural nuances and etiquette, the article suggests strategies for improving the quality of language teaching and promoting students’ language proficiency in an international environment. The formation of students’ foreign language lexical competence in the context of a sociocultural approach is a process that takes into account not only linguistic aspects, but also the sociocultural context in which the language is used. The sociocultural approach to language learning involves learning the language in the context of its use in a specific sociocultural situation, taking into account cultural features, traditions, norms of behavior and human interaction. This is particularly suitable for the formation of students’ foreign language lexical competence, as it allows them not only to master vocabulary, but also to understand the nuances of word meanings, their use, and to respond adequately in specific language situations. The findings presented in this article offer insights useful to foreign language teachers and researchers interested in language pedagogy and intercultural communication.
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