The article examines the concept of «higher education institution» in the context of the educational space of Ukraine and the Baltic countries through the analysis of regulatory documents, reference literature, and scientific-pedagogical sources. Ukrainian higher education institutions are considered as institutions with legal status of private or stat organizations and operate on the basis of issued licenses for educational activities at certain levels of higher education. They carry out scientific, scientific-technical, innovative, and methodological activities, ensure the organization of the educational process and the acquisition of higher education and postgraduate education by individuals. The author of the article analyzes the views of various scholars and researchers on the organizational and economic principles of innovative development of the higher education institution system in Ukraine. Higher education institutions are defined as institutions that provide educational services through direct communication with learners. The role of higher education institutions in the development of the national economy, their importance as subjects of economic activity and centers of innovation and scientific research is also indicated. In Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, higher education institutions are also considered as educational and scientific institutions that prepare specialists and conduct scientific research. Such understanding of higher education institutions is supported by both researchers and regulatory documents in these countries. The article compares the understanding and functioning of higher education institutions in Ukraine and the Baltic countries, indicating common features and differences. It thoroughly examines various approaches to defining higher education institutions in these countries and their role in society, economy, and scientific sphere. It is found that all the four countries, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, define higher education institutions as important elements of the national education and innovation system. However, they may differ in the ways of implementing this mission and the degree of participation in the economic and scientific development of the country.
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