Strategic planning of general task by officers during combat operation in war time condition will become a key element of military management which means the success of military operations. The research is devoted to the analysis of the principles and stages of combat mission planning with an emphasis on the development of modern methods and algorithms such as C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) with information and analytical system. It is indicated that the current situation during war time condition is characterized by a high level of insignificance, dynamism and complexity which requires an adaptive and comprehensive approach to planning. The main factors that influence the planning process are operational information, resources, locality, enemy activity, coordination and legal aspects. It is emphasized that psychological aspects are also important in stressed conditions, since high levels of stress can influence the ability of officers to make objective decisions and maintain concentration. The article provides step-by-step instructions for planning general tasks which includesthe assignment of tasks, collection and analysis of information, development and detailing of the plan, coordination and implementation of activities, preparation for icon, task implementation, evaluation of results and analysis, as well as publication and archiving of documentation. It is noted that special respect is given to the advancement of current technologies such as automated control systems, artificial intelligence algorithms and geographic information systems to improve the accuracy and speed of planning. Based on the analysis carried out, a proposal is made to shorten the process of planning and organizing of general tasks by officers which would include the introduction of current technologies, improved coordination and communication, and advancement of the level of training of a staff, optimization of logistics and resource security, improved information security and continuous analysis and in-depth processes. Further guidance from our recommendations is aimed at increasing the efficiency of military operations, reducing risks and costs, as well as achieving strategic goals in war time condition.
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