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порушення вимог гімнастичної термінології
помилки у термінології
уніфікація гімнастичної термінології
термінологічна некомпетентність
українська спортивна термінологія violation of the requirements of gymnastic terminology
mistakes in terminology
unification of gymnastic terminology
terminological incompetence
Ukrainian sports terminology

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The creation of gymnastic terminology has its own history. Terminology is a specific language, without which it is impossible to communicate in various fields of professional activity. Gymnastics terminology promotes quality understanding between the teacher and the student in the process of teaching not only gymnastic exercises, but also drills, general development exercises, exercises on non-standard equipment and with objects, etc. Until 1991, gymnastic terminology corresponded to the patterns and trends of the Russian language. After Ukraine gained independence, there was an urgent need to create gymnastic terminology in the native language. Teachers and coaches began to work actively on this. But even today, this problem has not been fully resolved, so it remains searching and relevant, which promptedthe authors to analyze the state of modern gymnastic terminology and justify the need to change the terms of some exercises. Having analyzed the scientific, educational and methodical literature, and reviewed a significant amount of educational video material, the authors drew attention to the fact that the process of creating modern gymnastics terminology remaineduncontrolled. Quite often, there is a pattern of copying from Russian terms, distortion of terms beyond recognition, useof outdated terms from the time of the German and Sokil systems of gymnastics, ambiguity and synonymy. Gymnastic terms in Western Ukraine differ in some ways from similar terms in the Eastern region. The article provides a number of examples of misinterpretation of certain terms not only in methodical publications but also in physical education curricula of general secondary education institutions. The authors also suggest names of exercises, justifying the termswith relevant information from explanatory dictionaries.The article also raises the issue of unjustified substitution of Ukrainian terms for English ones in fitness and aerobics, which gives the impression of ignoring the native language. The partial coverage of the problematic aspects of the presence of mistakes in the use of gymnastic terminology in state documents, educational and methodical manuals in the field of physical culture and sports creates an urgent need for an all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference with the aim of unifying and standardizing terms, as well as creating an appropriate dictionary.
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