The article focuses attention on the attempt to «portray» certain aspects of the scientific, pedagogical and managerial activities of the head of the Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko. Self-concept of the rector, as «a person of «related» work», «a person of innovative culture», «a patriotic person». The source base is the scientific works of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Yury Lianny, the rector’s speeches at academic councils, meetings, labor conferences, meetings of the labor team, in the mass media about managerial, scientific-pedagogical and public activity, publications about the researcher-manager, direct communication with the head of the pedagogical university, researched taking into account the interrelated general scientific and specific scientific methods: terminological analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization, as well as the biographical method for clarifying the facts of the biography and creative achievements in the two-vector orientation of the development of pedagogical education (end of the 20th century – beginning of the 21st century Art.). In the creation of a scientific and pedagogical portrait of a manager-leader, the main components of the concept of pedagogical mastery of I. Zyazyun were taken into account: humanistic orientation, professional competence, pedagogical abilities, pedagogical technique. The directions of the self-concept «person of «related» work», «person of innovative culture», «patriotic person» are characterized taking into account the following approaches: axiological (to study the value base, value orientations of the personality of the head of the institution) and acmeological (to highlightthe ways of self-development of the individual). The scientific-pedagogical portrait of Yuri Lyannoy is presented as a synthesis of the portrait of a researcher who has been researching the peculiarities of training specialists in physical rehabilitation for over twenty years, and the headof a pedagogical university. The factors of formation of the components of the concept «person of «related» work» of the self-concept of the rector are outlined: the family with its cult of physical and mental work, decency, modesty, demandingness; the school with its teacher’s authority and practice-oriented knowledge, social environment; instituteeducation – with education of sports and research culture; pedagogical and scientific activity of an assistant, graduate student, associate professor, professor; professional sports environment; continuous self-education and self-development. The factors of formation of the concept «person of innovative culture» of the self-concept of the head of the department of physical rehabilitation, the dean, the director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Physical Culture, the head of the scientific school, the rector of the pedagogical university were studied. The praxeological features of the scientific school of Professor Yu. Lianyi in the theory and practice of health problems, physical rehabilitation (physical therapy) and special education, which embodies the University Development Strategy (education – science – region – social activity) in real developments, have been clarified.The work notes that the concepts of «person of «devoted» work», «person of innovative culture» of the self-concept of the rector of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Heroes of the Russian-Ukrainian war – studentsof the Sumy Pedagogical School, preservation of the educational and cultural traditions of the rector’s corps during 1924- 2024, respect for the «Makarenko family», the moral and ethical dominant mission of the pedagogical institution of higher education – education and science for the social and economic development of Sumy Region, Ukraine, and VICTORY.
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