The essence of the case method is described taking into account the peculiarities of the process of preparation of future teachers of computer science for innovative activity in general secondary education institutions. The case is presented as a set of specially selected information of subject and methodological content of different types, which reflects the pedagogical situation, which contains a specific professional problem and predicts the existence of alternative ways to solve it, their collective discussion by students. Among the teaching methods, discussion is singled out and attention is focused on the need to form students' skills such as: to conduct discussions in online and offline modes; substantiate their own point of view; understand the others; solve the problem together; present the obtained results in different forms. The teacherstudent cooperation is described at the organizational stage, at the stages of elaboration of the situation and presentation of team decisions, as well as at the discussion and conclusions. Consistent transition from one stage of activity to another requires consideration of motivational, cognitive and activity components. It is noted that the cases are pedagogically appropriate in the educational process of teaching senior students who have at the appropriate level of professional and methodological competencies. Attention is drawn to the fact that the method of cases is effectively used in the study of psychological and pedagogical disciplines, as one that transforms educational, cognitive and research activities of students in innovative activities of teachers, integrates basic elements of methodological activities and communication. The case method is considered as: a method of interactive learning, which, promoting innovation, determines various forms of communication between all participants in the educational process; situational learning technology, which on the basis of selected content and organizational forms of learning motivates students to be active.
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