The article emphasizes that the prerogative goal of modern education is to form a competent pupil who has mastered all language levels at a high level and freely uses means of the Ukrainian language in all types of speech activities. It is underlined that the grammatical level lays the foundations for understanding language as a holistic system. The close connection of grammar with phonetics and vocabulary of the Ukrainian language has been clarified. The current Ukrainian language program has been analysed in order to determine the amount of information that pupils learn. The concept of “grammatical competence” has been studied and it has been determined as the level of mastering the grammatical system of language (morpheme word structure, types of morphemes, word formation methods, morphological and syntactic structure of the Ukrainian language), operation of terminological apparatus, systematic mastering of grammatical concepts and means of expression of grammatical categories on the basis of fundamental knowledge from all levels of the Ukrainian language, "sense" of grammatical form, ability to use the acquired grammatical knowledge in the process of speech activity. System-forming components of grammatical competence (motivational, gnostical and personal) have been interpreted. The dominant components of grammatical competence (grammatical skills, grammatical knowledge and grammatical awareness) have been investigated. It is determined that grammatical skills are automated operation of grammatical phenomena; grammatical knowledge is the mastery of grammatical rules within the current program and their practical application, and grammatical awareness is the understanding of grammatical categories that are learned in the school language course. The stages of formation of grammatical concepts have been represented: the analysis of language material for the purpose of allocation of dominant signs of a concept; generalization of the main features of the grammatical concept, establishing links between them and mastering the term; clarification of features of the concept; concretization of the concept in the process of performing exercises (practical aspect). Reproductive and receptive grammatical skills have been distinguished and the stages of their formation have been clarified. It is emphasized that deep mastering of the grammatical level of the Ukrainian language is impossible without active speech activity.
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