The article, based on the analysis and generalisation of both Ukrainian and overseas scientific analytical and terminological publications, outlines some aspects of the “transversal competencies” concepts, summarises an international approach of understanding components of transversal competencies, which establishes the theoretical foundation of a successful partnership between educators and university students and has significant influences on success of their professional activity. The analysis of scientific developments and educational practice supports the assumption that an established approach to the understanding of “transversal competencies” has not been fully developed yet. Within international resources, transversal skills / competencies are defined as essential skills required for an effective adaptation into different life contexts, which a professional can apply in various professional and social environments. Researchers generally define the concept of “transversal competencies” as a set of competencies that enables the transferring of one’s acquired knowledge, skills and metacognitive abilities for solving both various everyday-life and professional situations, promoting self-realisation personally and professionally. Outlined here are types of transversal competencies of future professionals and higher education tutors, based upon UNESCO documents and the professional standard “Lecturers of higher education settings”, include the following: critical thinking skills, communication skills, empathy, research, processing and analysis of information from various sources, personal and professional development; creativity; act based on ethical considerations (motives); ability to show tolerance. The practical significance provides an opportunity to use this article’s findings for further research in improving the quality of training of higher education lecturers, modernisation of compulsory educational programs and advanced training programs in the field of university management and teaching methods, as well as to improve certification of higher education teachers.
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