The article deals with the didactic foundations of structuring the content of philological knowledge in Foreign Language for Specific Purposes (ESP). Structuring the content of philological knowledge is a process that consists in the systematic construction of the educational process and is aimed at processing, targeting scientific information and adapting it to educational conditions. It is stated that the philological training of a future specialist provides the compulsory study of the discipline “Foreign language for Specific Purposes”. The principles and methods of teaching ESP are considered in the article. It is reported that there are inconsistencies in the curricula regarding to the duration of studying the discipline and the corresponding course for the successful implementation of the principles of continuity, intersubject coordination, as well as intersubject relations regarding to the study of ESP and disciplines of the cycles of fundamental and professional training. A brief description of our manuals in the discipline “Foreign Language for Specific Purposes” is given in the scientific piece of writing.
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