The article analyzes the problem of communicative culture as a socio-psychological component in the structure of personality, which allows individuals to develop in harmony with human culture and acquire social stability and determines that it is based on moral values, knowledge of types and forms of communication, qualities necessary for full communication. The aim of the study was to theoretically substantiate the communicative culture of higher education students in their professional development during their studies. Theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign scientific and methodological literature is given. Different author's views on the concept of "communicative culture" are analyzed. The components of communicative culture are generalized: emotional culture or culture of feelings, culture of thinking and language culture. It is established that communicative culture presupposes the presence of a communicative ideal, a system of communicative norms and rules, one's own communicative abilities and skills. It is determined that the communicative culture ensures the readiness of the individual for vital and professional self-determination and is a condition for successful professional development of the future specialist. The professional components of the communicative culture of the specialist are revealed. It is proved that the means and condition of communicative culture is communicative activity, so in the process of professional training of higher education students there are requirements that must be met by the communicative activity of the future specialist. For a specialist as a subject of professional activity, the way of cognition and transformation of the world is professional culture, and the way of transformation of oneself is communicative culture. In this case, the communicative culture is a set of special communicative knowledge, skills and abilities by which a person prevents psychological difficulties and predicts the effectiveness of interpersonal and business professional interaction.
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