In the era of information technology, it is difficult to imagine a world without the Internet and television, which have a significant impact on people's livelihoods. That is why the problem of the influence of the mass media on society as a whole, on individual age groups, is being studied by many scientists. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the problem of the influence of modern media on primary school children, because this age period is quite important for self-awareness, self-development, the ability to manage mental processes and the ability to communicate in society. Due to age characteristics, a child during this period becomes quite vulnerable to certain information and does not always have the opportunity to determine the positive and negative sides in what he sees, hears and reads on TV screens or computer monitors. The positive and negative aspects of the influence of the media on primary schoolchildren are characterized. Particular attention is paid to the problem of the influence of the Internet on the physical, emotional and spiritual state of schoolchildren. According to researchers, the use of the Internet leads to addiction, impairs memory, and causes the development of depressive states. The problem of gambling addiction and its consequences is disclosed. It has been proven that regular “consumption” of media products leads to the fact that children memory and thinking abilities deteriorate. The positive aspects of using the Internet are characterized, as it provides opportunities for free communication between people, and the use of educational sites allows you to develop the competencies necessary for successful learning. So, dosed and directed consumption of the media products will contribute to the formation of useful educational skills of schoolchildren, providing great opportunities for comprehensive self-development, education and the expansion of communication.
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